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Tag "open positions"

Post-doctoral positions

The Condensed-Matter Physics Laboratory invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of condensed-matter physics. The deadline for the application is February 14, 2023.

Post-doctoral positions

The Condensed-Matter Physics Laboratory invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of condensed-matter physics. The deadline for the applications is January 31, 2022.

Post-doc positions

The Condensed-Matter Physics Laboratory invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of condensed-matter physics. The deadline for the applications is February 14, 2021.

Post-doc positions

The Condensed-Matter Physics Laboratory invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of condensed-matter physics. See the detailed announcement at https://iri.hse.ru/condensed_matter_physics. Application deadline is February 9, 2020

Post-doc positions

The Condensed-Matter Physics Laboratory invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of condensed-matter physics. See the detailed announcement at https://iri.hse.ru/post_cmp2019. Application deadline is February 15, 2019.